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Jincheng Yang

Institute for Advanced Study


Math 18500/[11|21] Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences III

Syllabus: See Canvas.

  • Regular Class: MWF [8:30-9:20/9:30-10:20] am @ Eckhart 202
  • Office Hour: T 9:30-11:00 am, Th 3:30-5:00 pm @ Eckhart 318


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 3/18 Introduction & Separable ODE 3/19 3/20 First order linear ODE 3/21 3/22 Series solution
2 3/25 Homogeneous second order ODE 3/26 HW 1 due 3/27 Linearity 3/28 3/29 Operators
3 4/1 Systems with simple roots 4/2 HW 2 due 4/3 Systems with repeated roots 4/4 4/5 Phase portrait of 2D linear systems
4 4/8 Introduction to PDE 4/9 4/10 Exam 1 (up to 4/5) 4/11 HW 3 due 4/12 Separation of variables
5 4/15 Boundary conditions 4/16 4/17 Fourier series 4/18 HW 4 due 4/19 Fourier series (cont’d)
6 4/22 Extensions 4/23 4/24 Heat equations 4/25 HW 5 due 4/26 Wave equations
7 4/29 Fourier transform 4/30 5/1 Inhomogeneity 5/2 5/3 Exam 2 (up to 4/29)
8 5/6 Inhomogeneous second order ODE 5/7 HW 6 due 5/8 Laplace transform 5/9 5/10 Laplace transform (cont’d)
9 5/13 Convolution 5/14 HW 7 due 5/15 Dirac and Heaviside 5/16 5/17 Review Session
Final 5/20 Reading Period 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24