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Jincheng Yang

Institute for Advanced Study

Research Blog

Mandelbrot Set

2014, August 25

This is the first program I wrote with Processing. It can draw Mandelbrot set in a simple way. You can press the mouse button to zoom in or out, and change the speed with your keyboard. Mandelbrot set is the set of \(c\)’s which its related series

\[\begin{align*} z _c \left( 0 \right) &= 1, \\ z _c \left( n \right) &= z _c \left( n - 1 \right) ^2 + c, \forall n \in \mathbb{N}^*. \end{align*}\]

converges in the complex plane. The black section in the picture is the Mandelbrot set.

Left click to zoom in, right click to zoom out.

Environment: Processing 2.1

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